was established in December, 2000 to provide offshore software development services
to the foreign customers.
Now the company has three major areas of activity:
Offshore software development specializes in offshore software development
for the customers in the US, Europe, Australia and Japan. We are primarily
focused on science intensive areas including bioinformatics, video/audio signal processing and others.
Our pricing is competitive with many options depending on the project. For
more information please write to
and just ask for a quote! More >>>
Product development
Our flagman product is BeanExplorerTM - a framework for rapid application development in JavaTM.
Using BeanExplorer you can easily turn any JavaBean (or Enterprise JavaBean) into integral part of your application.
Systems biology
We have lots of ideas that were successfully approved in scientific environment
and which we would like to implement as commercial products.
We have established connections with both Russian and foreign scientists to help us with development
in this and other science intensive areas. If you are interested in investing into
these promising projects, contact us at
Please visit also Biosoft.Ru's web site. partners with BIOBASE GmbH
in development of TRANSPLORERTM - sophisticated software package
for prediction of regulatory regions in gene sequences.
BIOBASE GmbH is a leading provider of specialized biological databases, mainly from the field
of molecular biology. The flagship is the
TRANSFAC® Professional
database on transcription
factors, their genomic binding sites and their general binding profiles.
With offices in Boston, Bangalore(India) and Lubeck (Germany),
IT-Careernet is a leading
I.T. personnel consultancy that provides companies with
innovative recruiting and offshore software development solutions
and services.
IT-Careernet is a principal partner of DevelopmentOnTheEdge in Massachusetts and New York.
Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS
Institute of Cytology and Genetics is a center of genetics well-recognized both in Russia and abroad, which carries out research in a wide range of problems of modern genetics, molecular and cellular biology.
Institute of Digital Technologies SB RA
Institute of Digital Technologies designs scientific hardware, provides automation technologies for researches and implements various medical information systems.
Our company is located in Akademgorodok,
scientific suburb of Novosibirsk,
Russia. This place has recently become one of the world centers of offshore
programming perhaps because of its talented software developers and
scientists. Novosibirsk State University famous for its
programming school is also located in Akademgorodok. Many of our developers also came from the another
excellent technology school - Novosibirsk State
Technical University.
Do you know...
You can order development of a JavaTM application based on BeanExplorerTM. It is much cheaper than to develop applications inside the US or Europe. Visit our Services page for details.