Our expertise

Our pricing

We are trying to propose our customer flexible pricing to fit their particular situation. Our services are often based on innovative methodologies and technology to minimize an effective price for the customer.

Dedicated developer program

Under one of the most frequently requested approaches, we assign dedicated developer(s) in our office.  Developers will work for the customer for as long as needed. In such model  we charge negotiated amount for each developer. Of course we charge only for the actual hours spent in incomplete months. We provide discounts for the customer who are willing to pay upfront and/or order multiple developers.

For science-intensive projects such as projects in bioinformatics and systems biology our prices may be higher.

Iterative development

Please don't be misled just by the numbers. Apart from low prices our development with us is usually based on iterative principles. Under iterative model we often supply deliverables weekly and after each and every iteration customer is free to say "Stop". From our experience such approach may cut the costs up to 70% from initially planned budget.

 Do you know...
Our company develops BeanExplorerTM - a product which gives you
the fastest way to implement sophisticated JavaTM applications.

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